If you know the location of any of the cemeteries listed, please send that information to Lea Ann Oliver. Click on the links below for a partial list of burials at that cemetery. If you have burial records and want to see them posted here, send those too! PLEASE put Shelby Co. Cemetery in the Subject line or I may delete it, without reading.
Cemetery Location Cemetery Location
Antioch | ................................ | Foreman | FOREMAN Cem. of SHELBY COUNTY is 1 (one) mile north and 3 (three) mile east of Shelbyville and lies on privately owned land. |
Allen | . | Forsythe | . |
Bacon Chapel | From Lentner take blacktop N north to 4th gravel road on right Oak Dale -From Lakenan go 8miles to O'Laughlin Quarry sign turn left on gravel road | Franklin | . |
Baird | . | Free Methodist | . |
Baker | . | Gallagher | . |
Baker-West | . | Garnett | Go 2.5 miles North of Leonard on Hwy 151; turn East (right) on to
Shelby Co. Road #124 and continue .7 miles; turn North (left) on to Shelby Co. Road
#137 for .2 miles; turn right to enter through gate opening. Stones are set back .1 mile from road and can be driven up to. |
Balliet | . | Gilcrest | . |
Baltzer | . | Gill | . |
Bell | . | Gillis - Holliday | Black Creek Twp. 2 miles E. of Shelbyville S. off Hwy 168 to first county road E. of town. |
Bethany | . | Givan | . |
Bethel Chapel | . | Glascock | . |
Bethel Hebron | . | Godfrey | Godfrey Cem., aka:Hunnewell Cemetry 1 mile west of Hunnewell on "old Hwy. 36" |
Bethel Zion | Bethal Zion: West from Hwy 15 on Co Rd M about 1 Mile on North Side of Rd | Goodwin | . |
Blackford | . | Golay | . |
Blackburn | . | Graves | . |
Boling | . | Graves - Killenger | . |
Bragg | . | Grey | . |
Brewington | . | Greenfield | . |
Browne | . | Grout | . |
Buford | . | Hagers Grove | . |
Cadwell | . | Harland | . |
Caldwell | . | Harvey | . |
Carlisle | . | Hawkins | . |
Cedar Grove | Cedar Grove: North from Epworth on Co Rd Bb to Co Rd 122. Go West about 1.5 Miles, turn L (South) at the T, Cem. on the R. | . | . |
Cherry Box | Go 3 miles West out of Leonard on Hwy 151, road comes to a
"T"; turn North (right), which is Route B, and go 2.9 miles. Cemetery is located along the road on the East (right) side. Well maintained. You will pass through the Cherry Box community. |
Hershey | . |
Chinn | . | Hightower (2) | . |
Chinn-Hill-Hiles | . | Hilton | . |
Christian | . | Hope | . |
Churchwell | . | Hopper | . |
Clay | . | Hoofer | . |
Coard-Duncan | . | Hughes | . |
Cochran | . | Hunnewell IOOF | Hunnewell IOOF, on Highway 36 at Hunnewell |
Concord | From Bethal 6 miles E. on Hwy.J | Hunolt-Foreman | . |
Davidson-See | . | Indian Mounds | . |
Deer | . | Kendall | 5 miles north of Lakenan on Rt. T turn right on county road 474, 1 mile east on county road |
Derringer | . | Kidwell | . |
Dickerson | . | Kinchelow | . |
Draughn | . | King aka Cedar | . |
Dye-Borum | .. | Kidwell | . |
Eaton | . | Kurk | . |
Eaton (Nancy) | . | Kyle | . |
Ebenezer | . | Lair | . |
Eckle | . | Leonard | 2 blocks West of intersection in Leonard, cemetery is located behind the Christian Church. It is very well kept. The very older records were lost in a fire many years ago. |
Emden | .. | Lonehouse | . |
Emden Christian | . | Looney | . |
Evans | . | Looney Creek | . |
Fairview | .. | Lydik | . |
First County Pool | . | Maddex | . |
Farm | . | Maplewood | . |
Foley-Moore | . | Mcgruder (2) | . |
Forest Grove | . | Masonic | . |
Matkin | . | Sayre | . |
Maud Christian Church & Cemetery: | Hwy DD to Maude S 1/4 mile on Rd#525 on east side of Rd | . | . |
McAfee | . | Shelbyville IOOF | . |
McCully | . | Shelbyville | . |
McMurray | . | Memorial | . |
McWilliams | . | Shelbina | . |
Melson | . | Shelbina (Old) | . |
Mennonite | Go 3 miles West out of Leonard on Hwy 151, road comes to a
"T"; turn North (right), which is Route B, and go .5 mile. Cemetery is located on the West side of the road and has a concrete sign and is well maintained. This is the former location of the Church of the Brethren. |
Shelbina IOOF | . |
Mesmer | . | Sherry | . |
Million | . | Shiloh (2) | . |
Morris Chapel | . | Shores | Go 3 miles West out of Leonard on Hwy 151, road comes to a "T"; urn N(right), which is Route B, go 3.6 miles to Shelby County Road # 100; and turn West (left), continue 1.5 (the gravel ends and you will be on dirt only) to field entrance (currently owned by Carl Dodd). Cem. is located several yards NE and back into the timber. I would caution anyone that this is practically unaccessible because of the brush, briars and deer ticks, we will not return there. We were unable to locate several stones, several down on ground or broken. We found the fence on two sides, the posts on another, there is a small family section fenced within the cemetery for about 2 graves of the Shores family. It is so over-grown that you literally had to stumble over a stone to find them. |
Mount Hope | . | Short | . |
Mt. Zion | . | Shride | . |
Naylor | . | Singleton | . |
Nesbit | . | Smith - Baker | . |
New Providence | . | Thomas | . |
Oak Dale | . | Simmons | . |
Oak Ridge | From Lentner 3 miles south on Rt A to Rd 413, 413 1/2 mile to intersection of Rd 415 on south. | Smith - Morris | . |
Oaks | . | Snider - Moss | . |
Old City | . | Snowder | . |
Old Settlers | . | Stauffer | . |
Otten | . | St. Johns | . |
Parker- Davis | . | Catholic | . |
Parker-Wright | . | St. Marys | . |
Parrish | . | St. Michaels | . |
Parsons | . | St. Patrick | . |
Patton | . | Sunset Slope | . |
Payne-Jones | . | Taylor | . |
Peak-Miller | . | Thoroughman | . |
Pence | . | Union Chapel | 5 miles south of Clarence on hwy 151 |
Peoples | . | Union Grove | . |
Perry | . | Utz | . |
Perry Slaves | . | VanDeren | . |
Pickett | . | Vandiver (2) | . |
Pleasant Prarie | North on Hwy 15 from Bethal about 3.5 Miles to Co Rd 142 Left(west) 1/8 Mile. Old Church on Left (South). | VanHouten | . |
Prairie View | from Hunnewell take blacktop Z north past Hunnewell Lake to st county road(474) on left ,go 3 miles ,take 1st road to right follow 1 or 2 miles | VanOsdol - Miller | . |
Preston | . | Varner-Watkins | . |
Priest | . | Weeden | . |
Reynolds | . | West Lawn | . |
Robb | . | Wood | . |
Robbins | . | Worthington | . |
Roff | . | Zion Hill | . |
Rookwood | 2 mile north of Shelbyville on Rt 15 to Rt T.P., W several hundred yards then off road S 1/4 mi in field, under a large cedar tree. HIRMAN ROOKWOOD, his wife and son here. Stones not in orginal place.Also west of ROOKWOOD School about 300 yards. | . | . |
Rufener | . | . | . |
Rust | . | . | . |
Rutter | . | . | . |
Saunders | . | . | . |
Gillis - Holliday Cemetery
Anna Nancy McDonald Holliday
b: 25 Jan 1778> Glengarry, Winchester, Va.
d: 17 Jan 1853>Shelby, Co., MO.
Anna Maria Holliday (unmarried)
b: 1794, Winchester, Va.
d: 6 Jan 1855> Shelby Co., MO.
Angus McDonald Holliday, MD
b: 1803> Glengarry, Winchester, Va.
d: June 1833>Marion County, Mo., bur: Gillis Holliday Cem.
Submitted by: Becky
Lea Ann Oliver Shelby County MOGenWeb Project coordinator
Copyright © 1999 by Lea Ann Oliver; all rights reserved.
30 Oct 1999