Other Records and Resources
Census - Mortality Schedule
1860 Census -
Mortality Schedule
- 1870
Census Index
Census - Mortality Schedule
- 1880
Census Index
1880 Census -
Mortality Schedule
- 1900
Census Index
- 1940 Census -
(Not indexed or transcribed)
- Shelby
County Marriages - Index - 1835 through 1875
- Shelby County
Probate Index
- Probate Records -
received from abstract office in Shelbyville, MO (now known as
Black Creek Abstract Company) - wills, probate, law suits,
guardianships, heirship affidavits, etc. dating back to early
1800's (Excel spreadsheet). Contact Shelby County
Historical Society and Museum for desired copies.
- County
Record Book No. 1 (1835 - 1838)
- Shelby County Land
Records 1835 - 2001
- Marriage Records
1835 - 2001
- Surname Board
Shelby County Message Board
Shelby County Mailing List
- 1894 Poll Tax List
- 1892 Poll Tax List
1898 Shelby County Merchants
- Clarence Public Library (101 West Maple,
Clarence, MO 63467, 660-699-3310)
Shelbina Carnegie Public Library (102
N. Center, Shelbina, MO 63468, 573-588-2271)
- Lookup
County Births and Deaths (1883 - 1887)
- Civic Orders
and Temperance Organizations
- Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.
Lodge 142)

- "Shelbina - The First 100 Years" -
Must have Adobe Acrobat to view
- Booklet -
"The 100th Old Settlers Celebration in Shelbyville, Missouri -
August 17 - 20, 1988"
Libby Collection - donated to the Shelby County Historical Society
(view a list of contents)
- "The Town of
Shelbina, MO, as I knew it in 1907 and 1908"
by Robert Cecil
- Letter From
"Hank" Carroll (Shelbyville, MO) to the Shelby County Herald dated
January 15, 1930 - (Mr. Carroll reminisces his early days in Shelby
- Early
History of Lentner as detailed by
the Editor of the Shelby County Herald on May 10, 1911
- Shelbina Businesses - 1891
- Shelby County
- Shelby County Farm Directory -
- Shelby County Centennial Farms
- Old Settlers Register 1889 - 1935:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3
- Thompson Funeral Records 1903 - 1932
(Shelbyville): Part 1 and
Part 2
- Givan Funeral Records 1930 - 1952
(Hunnewell): Part 1 and
Part 2
- Brookvale Bubbles -
Early memories of
Shelby County, MO written by Rev.
Marcus Lemon Gray
(picture/bio) (b.1857 -
- Antique Area Postcards -
pictures of Shelbina and Clarence in the early
- Shelby County Railroads
- Lee C.
Miller Memoirs
(Written in 1903 for his children.)
- John Christian Bower biography (details trip
from PA to Bethel in 1846 as well as early life in Bethel, MO)
- James
F. Murray letters (From Civil War era - lived north of
Hunnewell in Shelby County. These letters are available
upon request from the Shelby County Historical Society and